Camus II (FASA)

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Myriad Universes: Camus II
Camus II
Camus II (TOS 79)

Camus II (TOS 79)
Coordinates (-55.0, -62.8, -360.2)[1]
Astrometrics Quadrant IV (UFP),[2] Camus[3] II[4]
Planetary Class K[1]
Affiliation Member, United Federation of Planets[2]
FASA Timeline
(FASA Roleplaying Game)

A Class K world, Camus II was the second planet of four[1] in the Camus system[2] and was once home to a highly advanced race[4] that apparently never developed space flight.[1] The extensive ruins they left behind were the subject of xenoarchaeology teams in the 23rd century, including a device that was found to have the ability to exchange life energies from one person to another.[4]

In 2210, Dr. Janice Lester killed all of the members of her team except for Dr. Arthur Coleman in order to keep the discovery of the device a secret, before using the device to switch bodies with Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[4]

By Reference Stardate 2/2306 (June 2223), Camus II was a full member of the United Federation of Planets and supported a population of 1.25 billion, most of which were Human, and the planet's primary concerns were industry and hosting a Star Fleet support base.[2]

Notes and References

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Maynard, Jeff (Author). Star Trek Maps. Star Trek. Book. Bantam Books. August 1980.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Menke, Bernard Edward and Rick David Stuart (Authors). The Federation. Star Trek: The Role Playing Game. Book 2011. Cover art by David R. Deitrick. Illustrations by Todd F. Marsh, John C. Tylk, Bob Eggleton, Daniel E. Carroll, and Jay Harris. FASA Corporation. 1986.
  3. The FASA supplement "The Federation" erroroneously refers to Camus' star system as Beta Tauri, despite that also being the system named for Taurus II. The reference has been removed for this entry.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer/Story) and Freiberger, Fred (Producer). "Turnabout Intruder." Star Trek, Season 3, Episode 24. Directed by Herb Wallerstein. Teleplay by Arthur Singer. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 3 June 1969.