Washington, D.C.

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Washington, D.C.
A map showing Washington, D.C. (TOS01)

A map showing Washington, D.C. (TOS01)
Astrometrics Earth
Affiliation United States of America
First Appearance TOS16 (24 Nov 1966)
Prime Timeline
(The root of all realities)

The District of Columbia was the capitol city of the United States of America, located on the east coast of North America on Earth. A map showing Washington, D.C. was viewed during the Talosian scans of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 computer in 2254.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Roddenberry, Gene (Executive Producer). "The Cage". Star Trek, season 0, episode 0 (Production number 01). Directed by Robert Butler. Written by Gene Roddenberry. Released 1986. Desilu Productions. 1965.